Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth
Family: Piperaceae
Bahasa/Malay - rangu-rangu, ketumpangan or tumpang angin
Belauan - Oceania, it is called rtertiil

Bikol - sinaw-sinaw or tangon-tangon ,
Bisaya - olasiman ihalas ,
Brazil - coraçãozinho or "little heart"
Chamorro - podpod-lahe or potpopot
Guianas - konsaka wiwiri
Japan - suna kosho
lin-linnaaw (Ilocano).
Nigeria- rinrin
North America - pepper elder, silverbush, rat-ear, man-to-man, clearweed
Philippines: pansit-pansitan or ulasimang-bato (Tagalog),
South America - lingua de sapo, herva-de-vidro, herva-de-jaboti or herva-de-jabuti
Thailand - pak krasang
Vietnam - càng cua
Peperomia pellucida is used as a tea for a loose cough. In the Grenadines, where it is called silver bush, it provides a tea for undernourished children. In Africa it is frequently employed in infusions for convulsions. In Trinidad, where it is called shiny bush, it is used for colds and as a cooling medicine for children. In Jamaica this plant is still included among the ubiquitous "cold bushes": it is considered especially valuable as a children's remedy. One informant who had resided in Cuba said that it is an excellent "blood cooler" and helps one to sleep. (Medlcinal Plants of Jamaica)
USES: Whole plant: Infusion for cholagogue and refreshant; sap for eyedrops, eye infections. Surinam Saramaccan Bush Negroes use it in a curative herbal bath. Stem and Leaf: Mixed in milk for oral afflictions in general such as gingivitis and dental neuralgia; for a local vulnerary; infusion is refreshing, hypotensive, cholagogue, used to treat hypertension, heart troubles and to cool the body. Warmed as an eyewash ingredient. Leaf: For albuminuria in Surinam. Used for a diuretic in Guyana, where it is also eaten as a salad to cleanse the blood, and used in an infusion to cure womb inflammations. In Guyana, juice is squeezed from the leaves into a patient's eyes to treat cataracts. In a strong tea for bronchitis and asthma. (Medicinal Plants of the Guianas)
USES: Whole plant: Infusion for cholagogue and refreshant; sap for eyedrops, eye infections. Surinam Saramaccan Bush Negroes use it in a curative herbal bath. Stem and Leaf: Mixed in milk for oral afflictions in general such as gingivitis and dental neuralgia; for a local vulnerary; infusion is refreshing, hypotensive, cholagogue, used to treat hypertension, heart troubles and to cool the body. Warmed as an eyewash ingredient. Leaf: For albuminuria in Surinam. Used for a diuretic in Guyana, where it is also eaten as a salad to cleanse the blood, and used in an infusion to cure womb inflammations. In Guyana, juice is squeezed from the leaves into a patient's eyes to treat cataracts. In a strong tea for bronchitis and asthma. (Medicinal Plants of the Guianas)
31 Published articles of Peperomia pellucida